Monday, October 17, 2016

Coming Soon - or - A Resurrection

A little over a year ago I started telling a story.  It was a very silly story - one about a girl named Annie Givvup, who just happens to be a ghost.

I was excited about Annie and her adventures.  I have lists and lists of ideas for vignettes and a general direction of where the plot will go.  I have sketches of Annie and Brian - two main characters - and new characters swirling around my brain.  I have puns and tropes and acronyms and all kinds of ridiculous things that Givvup, the Ghost was going to hold.

You see, Givvup, the Ghost was going to be for me.

Just.  For.  Me.

Yes, I planned to share their adventures on this blog, but ultimately, Annie and her pals were mine.  They were a way for me to write more and have fun while doing so.


And then...

Then I forgot why I was excited.  I forgot why I even started writing about Annie Givvup.  I got stressed, and tired, and (honestly) a little scared about thinking about ghostly things all the time.
Seriously me, all the time.  Also you, once you've read some of the bad puns I plan on writing.

So I stopped.

But I've discovered something about characters:  they won't give a person any peace until their story has been told.

Annie's story has not been told.  Not even close.  So she's been dancing around the edges of my mind, inserting herself and her adventures into my daydreams, waiting not-so-patiently for her story to come back to life.

And so, beginning October 31, 2016, Annie and her friends will be back in action on this blog.  My goal is to post a little something every other week...generally the second and fourth Mondays of each month.

Is it possible that I may miss one or two?  Sure.  I have no doubt that I'll drop the ball because I'm human, and tend to overextend myself and then have trouble keeping everything in the air.  This is why I'm giving (Givving? haha)  myself a little grace.

So, if you'd like, you're more than welcome to join me as I follow Annie and her buddies.  I know it's a ghost story, but it's not scary.  It's more of a fun, (hopefully) funny story of a girl and her friends - who just happen to be members of the paranormal community.

So two weeks from today...Annie will be back.  It'll be a blast!  I'm just dying of excitement.  

Join me in two weeks to see how Annie got her start in our first installment, called, "Heeeeeere's Annie!"